Creating/Updating Carousels

Create a new carousel

To create a new carousel, call the createDesign method and provide a callback function to handle the export data:

editor?.createDesign((data: ExportData) => {
    // You can perform additional operations with the data, such as saving or displaying the carousel

Edit an existing carousel

To edit an existing carousel, call the editDesign method and provide the carousel ID and a callback function to handle the export data:

editor?.editDesign('your-carousel-id', (data: ExportData) => {
    // You can perform additional operations with the data, such as updating the existing carousel

Replace your-carousel-id with the actual ID of the carousel you want to edit.

Understanding the ExportData type

The callback function receives an ExportData object, which contains the following properties:

interface ExportData {
    id: string; // Unique identifier for the carousel
    name: string; // Name of the carousel
    size: string; // Size of the carousel in aspect ratio (e.g., "16:9")
    pdf: Blob; // PDF file of the carousel
    images: Blob[]; // Array of image files for the carousel

You can use the provided data to save, display, or perform any other operations with the carousel.