Create PostNitro Trigger

Create PostNitro Trigger

Click on Trigger

Click on Trigger

Search and select PostNitro.

Search and Select PostNitro

From the Events, select Publish a Carousel Post and click on Continue.

Select Action

From the Account section, click on Sign In button.

Sign In

Authenticate your account by entering your email address and the authentication key copied in Step 1. After entering both details, click on the continue button.

Authenticate Your Account

After successful authentication, click on the Continue to proceed to test the Zap.

Test Zap

Since we will just be fetching information from PostNitro, no further setup is required. Just click on the Test trigger button.

Test Trigger

We will send in our sample PDF for you to test your trigger. From here, click on Continue with selected records to set up the action.

Sample Data