How ToSave Carousel Design

How To Save Carousel Design?

You’ve created the post perfect carousel but want to save your progress for later. You can simply save it and access it later to continue.

Save Carousel


Design your carousel, apply your custom font, branding and styling to fit your brand style.

  1. Click on the Carousel name in the top left corner to open the drop-down.

Carousel Name

  1. Either click on Save or use shortkeys so that you don’t need to click again and again.

The shortkeys are:

  • For Mac: CMD + s
  • For Windows: CTRL + s

Save Carousel

Access Saved Carousels

Access Saved Carousel

To access your saved carousels:

  1. From the left side menu click on “Saved”


  1. Click on a Saved Carousel to resume ..

Apply Saved Carousel